Thursday, October 24, 2013

This assignment required one to create a parody or pastiche of an artist or art movement.  For this assignment I decided to create a pastiche of the work of Bansky. After completing my study abroad experience in London last semester, I have been very intrigued and inspired by the work of famous graffiti and street artist, Banksy.  Banksy uses stencils to create graffiti works that pop up overnight on buildings, streets, or really anything that can be painted on.  For this project I chose to create my own stencil and graffiti art that comments on the rising level of water pollution, especially in highly populated city centers.  The first image is my stencil and graffiti work while the image below is how I see this image being applied in a city environment like Bansky would display his art.

I had a lot of trouble using Illustrator in the beginning but finally got the hang of it after awhile.  Considering that this is the first time I have ever used the program I am happy with the final product and hope to continue learning how to use Illustrator more and creating stronger images :).


  1. I definitely see that your work relates to Banksy. Drawing your own stencil definitely replicates images of Banksy's that I've seen before. As for complexity, I don't exactly think that the stencil you "placed" on the brick wall is exactly right color-wise. Maybe the colors should have been toned down a little to mimic the lighting projected on this wall. That's not to say you haven't done well at all! Your overall idea and way of executing is great.

  2. I really like your concept. I also like how out of place the image is in a real life photograph. It almost looks like street art. The only thing I would suggest it that the illustrator image seems to be a little jagged. Is that intentional or just a product of the file?
